Système Medoc Algomed
"Toute douleur qui n'aide personne est absurde"
d'André Malraux
AlgoMed | |
AlgoMed enables the user to perform various pressure test paradigms which can be utilized for a wide range of pressure pain measures, such as pressure pain threshold, pressure pain tolerance and CPM (Conditioned Pain Modulation) also referred to as DNIC (Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control). A paradigm for Temporal Summation (TS) will also be available soon.
Thanks to Medoc's unique software, physicians are able to monitor the test while receiving real time visual and auditory feedback on their PC. The AlgoMed ergonomic handle allows the operator to easily grip the Algometer and apply imbedded pressure. The easy-to-use software allows easy management of patients, programs and test results. The AlgoMed software offers body site selection and includes normative data for selected body sites. Results can be displayed in customizable color reports or exported to Excel for further analysis.
Your patient can stop the test at any time by clicking the Patient Response Unit. Alternatively, the operator can stop the test by simply removing the AlgoMed from the patient selected body site.
The calibration verification weight, which is included in the AlgoMed package, enables periodical calibration verification, assuring the accuracy of test results.
The AlgoMed is available as a stand-alone unit or as an accessory to Medoc's PATHWAY System.
AlgoMed enables the user to perform various pressure test paradigms which can be utilized for a wide range of pressure pain measures, such as pressure pain threshold, pressure pain tolerance and CPM (Conditioned Pain Modulation) also referred to as DNIC (Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control). A paradigm for Temporal Summation (TS) will also be available soon.
Thanks to Medoc's unique software, physicians are able to monitor the test while receiving real time visual and auditory feedback on their PC. The AlgoMed ergonomic handle allows the operator to easily grip the Algometer and apply imbedded pressure. The easy-to-use software allows easy management of patients, programs and test results. The AlgoMed software offers body site selection and includes normative data for selected body sites. Results can be displayed in customizable color reports or exported to Excel for further analysis.
Your patient can stop the test at any time by clicking the Patient Response Unit. Alternatively, the operator can stop the test by simply removing the AlgoMed from the patient selected body site.
The calibration verification weight, which is included in the AlgoMed package, enables periodical calibration verification, assuring the accuracy of test results.
The AlgoMed is available as a stand-alone unit or as an accessory to Medoc's PATHWAY System.
Tags : QST, test thermique, thermotest, quantification objective de la douleur, Evaluation sensorielle par thermotest, sensibilité cutanée thermique, petites fibres nerveuses a delta et c, sensation de douleur, neuropathic pain qst, nociceptive pathway function, réponse objective, quantitative sensory testing, douleurs neuropathiques, Neuropathic pain disorders, distributeur France, Clarity, Retcam, plusoptix, iCare, Medoc